Classroom Rules


  • Be seated at the time the tardy bell rings. If you are not in your seat you are counted tardy: See  school student handbook on tardy policy
  • Do not leave your desk or speak out of turn once class begins. Hands before you walk! Hands before you talk! Raise your hand to get permission to speak or leave your desk
  • No candy, soft drinks, or food are allowed in my class. I will allow water in my classroom to be consumed. This is a privilege and can be taken away if bottles are continually left. I am here to teach not clean up after you
  • I will allow one student at a time to go to the restroom
  • Refrain from using obscenities and inappropriate gestures
  • Respect one another and the classroom
  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
  • Along with my rules, you are expected to follow all school and county policies


If a student persistently exhibits inappropriate behavior I will follow the following:

  • 1st strike: Verbal Warning
  • 2nd strike: Written warning and parental notification
  • 3rd strike: Student/Teacher conference and Parental notification
  • 4th strike: Referral to Administration and Parental notification



Student Parent Contract

I            students name               understand the above rules and consequences.

Student signature                                                   .

Parent/Guardian signature                                                               .

Parent/Guardian e-mail address                                                      .

Date Due 8/5/12